I was shocked early in the morning receiving the news about Dr. Susan Jeffer's passing away.
Here is the official statement of her death:
We are very sad to inform you that Susan died in the early hours of Saturday, October, 27th. She had been ill with a rare form of cancer called cancer of unknown primary (CUP) for over three years. She died peacefully and without pain, with her immediate family by her bedside.
Most of us know her with her wonderful masterwork "feel the fear and do it anyway".
Susan Jeffers received many plaudits in her career. In 2004, The Times of the U.K. named Susan "the Queen of Self-Help" ranking her alongside such influential gurus as Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and Deepak Chopra. A year earlier, the popular spiritual consciousness magazine Kindred Spirit gave Susan the award for writing the Best Personal Development Book of the year...Embracing Uncertainty.
It is a great lost to all her readers and followers. I was personally impressed reading her masterwork and came out of my comfort zone making big decisions.
If you were impressed by Susan's work as well, you may want to contribute to her memorial page.