The goldgreen to deep green oil is pressed from dried pears and is very rich in unsaponifiables such as Phytosterols, minerals, phospholipids and lipophilic vitamins A, D and E. These unsaponifiables are only present in native, raw oil. Because of its intensive colour and smell, most often it is the filtered oil (without unsaponifiables) which is applied in the cosmetics industry.
The oil has an intensive inherent scent, make sure you like it before you purchase half a liter of it.
Known as the butter of Aztecs, fruits, leaves and tree bark were used by Aztecs and Mayas as medicine, food and as aphrodisiac.
With around 70% mono unsaturated and 13% polyunsaturated fatty acids it is a very suitable oil to reduce cholesterol. It should as well help against gall bladder and liver problems.
In hair and skin care it is one of the most precious oils for sun damaged and dry skin and hair. Because of Lecithin and phospholipids, it is adsorbed rapidly (there are even claims of penetration in to epidermis) with an excellent skin feel and a very beautiful golden shimmer over the skin.
For healthy and beautiful hair, massage avocado oil half an hour to one hour before washing your hair over your hair and scalp.
Make sure you purchase the native oil and not the refined oil. It doesn't content the wonderful unsaponifiables.

You can prepare a home made hair and scalp mask against hair loss:
Smash an avocado fruit and mix it with one egg yolk. Apply the mixture on to your hair and cover the hair with a towel. Let it stay for 15-20 minutes before washing the hair.
Enjoy the results.