Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2014
Refreshing peppermint soap & scrub
The lye solution is prepared with a peppermint decoction. You can apply fresh or dried peppermint leaves for the decoction. The concentration of the concentration of the decoction is totally up to you. As a general guidance you can start with about 3-4 gr dry leaves for 500 ml of water. Besides that, dried peppermint leaves are crushed simply between hands or in a mortar to yield small particles which we then apply into the soap as mild and natural exfoliants. Other died leaves are added to the surface of the soap as decoration or to intensify the peppermint fragrance.
The soap is extremely refreshing during hot days, with a very pleasant and mild exfoliating. You can apply it to face and body to cool down your skin and refresh your mind. Peppermint essential oil is a very potent disinfectant as well, so that the soap could be applied as a pre-shave soap to disinfect the skin.
Before we start I want to recommend you to read our older posts and general information regarding hygienic manufacturing practice in cosmetic lab, introduction to Basic equipment and utensil for a cosmetic lab and the safe handling of Sodium hydroxide.
Here is what you need for the soap:
for 1000 gr oils:
25,0% Rapeseed oil (250,0 gr)
20,0% Sunflower oil (200,0 gr)
12,0% Camelina seed oil (120,0 gr)
12,0% Coconut oil (120,0 gr)
10,0% Soybean oil (100,0 gr)
10,0% Sheabutter (100,0 gr)
8,0% Babassu oil (80,0 gr)
3,0 % Castor oil (30,0 gr)
I have calculated 5% super fat but you're free to calculate more or less or to add your super fat additionally to the mixture.
5,0% Peppermint essential oil (50,0 gr)
2-3 gr Crushed peppermint leaves (as an exfoliant)
For the lye:
Peppermint leaves (I've applied 2,5 gr dried leaves)
hot distilled water 380 gr
Sodium hydroxide for the lye 133,406 gr
a silicone or a wooden loaf mold (you can try our mini silicone molds for trial batches)
(optional) disposable pipettes
a water bath
A Thermometer
an stainless steel pot or Pyrex jar (to heat the oil in the water bath)
A stick blender (try to find some with plastic stab)
a Glass beaker (for the essential oil)
A plastic beaker or bowl for NaOH
A plastic jar for lye
A plastic or silicone spatula or spoon
A sprayer bottle with alcohol
Safety goggles, gloves and mask
Prepare your peppermint decoction for lye in advance:
One- Bring distilled water to boiling. Turn the heat off and add peppermint leaves (dried or fresh) to the water. Cover with a plate and let rest for 15-30 minutes.
Two- Filter the decoction through a tee filter or any other suitable sieve. Let it cool down (better keep it in the fridge) before adding Sodium hydroxide.
Three- Wearing safety goggles, mask and gloved add slowly your NaOH to the peppermint decoction. For a better cooling you can keep the decostion jar in an ice-water bath. The decoction turns to an ugly orange as soon as you add NaOH but don't be disappointed. It doesn't matter at all.
Four- As you're waiting for the lye to cool down melt coconut and babassu oil in a water bath. As they are melted turn the heat off and add shea butter. Gently mix to distribute the heat uniformly. As the shea butter is melted as well add other oils (Rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, camelina and castor oil) to the mixture and mix gently
Five- As both oil mixture and lye are about 30-35 degrees (Celsius) with a max. of 10 degrees difference tap your stick blender gently into the oil to get rid of air bubbles. Gently add the lye over the stick to avoid any bubbles as you've added the whole lye mix first gently with the blender not yet on and then start blending with short bursts.
This soap doesn't come to a trace.
After blending for a few minutes with short intervals slowly add the essential oil and the crushed peppermint leaves. Pour the soap gently into the mold. Tap the mold on the counter several times. Spray the surface with alcohol and then spread your peppermint leaves (optional) as a decoration over the surface.
Wait about 48 to 36 hrs to demold the soap. Cut and stamp as you wish and let the soap rest to cure for 8 weeks.
You can buy all the ingredients for this project in SkinChakra® Online Shop.
BeHappy and have fun.
SC PaperDesign on : gift bags for herbal soap